Rudi Kartadiredja
Rudi Kartadiredja
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  • Base Metals: Aluminum, Copper, Iron ore, Llead, Nickel, Zinc
  • Secondary Metals: Cobalt, Molybdenum, Tin
  • Precious Metals: Gold, Silver
  • Platinum Group Metals: Platinum, Palladium, Rhodium, Ruthenium, Iiridium
  • Rare Earths and Other Rare Metals: Neodymium, Gallium, Indium, Tellurium
  • Others: Steel rebar, Uranium
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Precious Metal Spot Price
Popular Metals in USD (Default)
Gold Price Rupiah
Gold Price Chart 3 months Indonesia
Gold (gram) Ten Years
Gold (gram) FIve Years
Gold One Year
Gold Three Months
Silver One Year
Silver Three Months
If you cannot find prices or charts in this page,
feel free to contact me

Platinum Group Metals
Base Metals in EUR (Euro)
Nickel One Year
Nickel Three Months
Aluminum One Year
Aluminum Three Months
Zinc One Year
Zinc Three Months
If you cannot find prices or charts in this page,
feel free to contact me

Copper, Lead and Zinc in GBP (£) and kg (kilograms)
Platinum Only (Default USD) in grams (g)
Palladium One Year
Platinum One Year
If you cannot find prices or charts in this page,
feel free to contact me

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